Beginner Dos and Don'ts For Stompbox DIY |
© 2013 By Small Bear Electronics LLC |
The advice and ideas in this article come from my
experience with designing and building my own pedals over the last dozen
years. Because I have made a business of supplying components to other
people, I have also had the opportunity to learn from engineers and
designers who know Much more than I do. I have been where you are, and I
hope I can help you to have a happy first experience and avoid pulling your
fur out in frustration.
If you happen to be reading this before you actually
pick up tools, good! If you have already hit one of the land mines that I
mention next, it's OK. At worst, you'll back up a bit and take a different
path on the learning curve, or a smaller bite of the apple.
First, a bunch of Don'ts and 'land mines': |
--The schem you pick may not be right for what
you want to do.
--The schematic may not include details that are
required for your purpose, because it's assumed that you will
know a lot of basics.
--The component values may be right within the
context of the idea in the schem, but they may not be right for your
--The process of going
from a schem (even those that are known to work) to physical layout is
loaded with minefields. Until you are sure of your skills, work from
layouts that have been vetted.
Don't attempt to make a printed circuit board for a
first build; that process is interesting and a lot of fun, but it has a
learning curve of its own. If you want to use a PCB to cut down on wiring,
buy one from one of the many good sources that offer ready-to-solder (RTS)
boards. See my
Links for a list. I also offer
PCBs and kits for some of my own designs. Some, like the
Ursa Minor
are especially beginner-friendly.
Don't attempt to translate a breadboard layout, even
one that works, directly to perfboard or Vero. They are different media,
and the hard-wired layout needs to be thought out on its own terms. See
next bullet.
When planning a hard-wired layout, Don't use
pencil-and-paper. Right from the beginning, learn to use a draw program
that is optimized for this kind of work. Some, like
DIY Layout Creator,
are open-source, free, and not hard to learn.
Don't try to squeeze your build into an enclosure
that's too small. Even though it may not look as pretty, pick a larger
enclosure than what the designer tells you the build was done in. You will
find it easier to work and easier to avoid short circuits. Ask for
experienced help if you are not sure on this point.
Don't shop for parts or tools at Radio Shack until
you have learned what to buy from people who have some experience. Even
then, RS is pretty much an emergency resource, because their offerings are
not stompbox-specific, not great quality, or both. There are now numerous
mail-order sources for stompbox DIY other than my Cave, so you have lots
of choices.
If you pick a kit for your first build, Don't make
even the smallest mod or change until you have the thing working as the
designer intended. The same caution applies to the the many
"build-it-this-way" Veroboard and perfboard layouts that you can find
on-line. Paying very close attention to duplicating every detail makes success more
likely and makes it easier to find mistakes, if any.
Don't start to build expecting to save--or make--money.
It's true that the ridiculous prices for classic pedals at auction can
make it somewhat economical to build your own, but even in that special
case, you need to learn A Lot to be able to do it right. And as far as
competing with the economics of mass-market manufacturing, that's not
possible. Three good reasons why you Would bother to learn:
--It's fun, educational and very satisfying.
--You can learn to make classic effects that sound
different from modern ones and sometimes better than the originals.
--You can learn to mod effects to your liking and
'own your tone'.
So, after avoiding all the Don'ts, what should you do
first? Breadboard something simple! It should have no more than one stage,
and no more than one transistor or IC. My
Ursa Minor
is good. I have also done a tutorial for Gus Smalley's Beginner Boost that
you can find at
When you learn to breadboard, take the time and
trouble to set up carefully, square off corners and establish clean lines
the way I showed in the example above. This makes your work much easier to
document later, and makes it easier for you (or other people) to find
mistakes. A 'Rat's Nest' like the one on the right can be tolerated once you
have some experience and need to try out an idea quickly, but it's a recipe
for trouble for a beginner.
Once your first build works on the breadboard, find a
vetted layout for it on perfboard or Veroboard and build it. This will force
you to follow a layout painstakingly, solder connections and then debug when
it doesn't work. It is much more difficult than doing a paint-by-number kit,
but you will learn A Lot more.
- Do your first testing before you add a stomp switch and wiring for power.
Wire the input and output jacks directly to the board and connect a battery.
If the circuit does not work at this stage, at least you know that the
problem doesn't involve wiring to the switch.
- If the battery starts to feel warm, disconnect it NOW! There is a
short circuit somewhere, and you need to find it before doing anything
else. See the Troubleshooting Basics following.
Troubleshooting Basics
The first rule to keep in mind is that a build from a vetted layout is
all-or-nothing; if Every Detail is correct, it will work--if not, it won't.
The first thing to do is make
clean copies of the schem and the layout. Then start at the input on the schem and use
the continuity scale of a multimeter to make sure that every point that you
think should be connected Really Is. Mark off connections with a highlighter
as you test. I have used this method successfully to debug everything posted
on my site.
Have patience, don't give up, and expect to
have to put your work down for awhile to let your mind clear. You will
eventually have your 'Eureka' moment and be on your way to SATISFACTION!
Welcome to the world of DIY pedal madness! If you found this discussion
useful, please bookmark and share it with others. Comments and suggestions
are welcomed at |